Day 7 > Marcos Serafim

digital video, 12:25 minutes

A non-human entity complicates common understandings of queerness, HIV/AIDS and the legacy of the pre antiretroviral crisis. With agency over data, it distorts images from archives and makes them speak. Composed with machine learning processes for generative video and sound, including deepfakes, the piece explores uncanny relations between technology, politics, and illness.

Marcos Serafim is a Brazilian artist exploring the extremes of digital imaging, video and sound across theatrical exhibition, installation, and performance. His practice investigates cultural, historical, and material relations between technology and minoritized social and political subjects. Serafim is Assistant Professor of Photography, Video, and Imaging at the University of Arizona’s School of Art. He has exhibited work at the 5th and 6th Ghetto Bienalle in Haiti; the Oscar Niemeyer Museum in Brazil; the Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC), the Queens Museum, and Flux Factory in New York. His work has been screened in film festivals in multiple countries, including the Cine Esquema Novo Film Festival in Brazil (Audience Choice Second Best Short), Israel`s Horn Festival for Experimental Films (Jury’s Second Prize), Northampton Film Festival in Massachusetts (Jury’s Honorable Mention for Short Experimental) and Faito Doc Festival in Italy (Honorable Mention for Short Documentary). Serafim holds a BA in Film and Video from Parana State University in Brazil, an MA in Studio Art from Eastern Illinois University, and an MFA in Studio Art from Michigan State University.

ig @marcosjserafim

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