Day 7 > Luana Di Pasquale

Actress: Lidja Zovkic
Produced/Directed: Luana Di Pasquale
Editor/VFX by Massi Guelfi
Music by Matthias Kispert

My latest work is an adapted version of ‘A Passer-By’, a Charles Baudelaire’s poem from ‘The Flowers of Evil’ collection – a French Classic which was first published in 1857.’ A Passer-By’ describes the moment when Charles Baudelaire meets the fugitive eyes of a mourning woman in Paris’s Flea Market. What I love about this poem is its dark/noir atmosphere, its decadent romanticism and witty bohemian spirit – all elements I wanted to portray visually…

Inspired by Bunuel’s film ‘Belle de Jour’ (1967) and the avant-garde composer Edgard Varèse – my adapted version of ‘A Passer-By’ depicts the brief moment when the Poet meets the fugitive eyes of a Sex-Worker in London’s Soho, played by actress Lidja Zovkic .

Throughout this brief depiction, we are the Poet as we perceive ‘the meeting’ through his point of view as he is experiencing it – in colours and as he reminiscing it – in B&W and so we… and it is through the poet’s glimpses of consciousness and poetic and fragmented recollections of the event that we observe the woman – ours object of desire.

My name is Luana Di Pasquale, I am an Italian independent filmmaker based in London, UK. I have a deep interest in storytelling, in multi-dimensional characters and psychological dramas. My background is in Fine Art and Architecture but it was right after my BA Honours Degree in Film and Video at the University of Arts London when I started experimenting both linear and non/linear narrative, approaching different way of storytelling through fiction, factual documentation, abstract depiction, branded content productions, and lately by producing and directing my first TV Talk Show.

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