Day 16 > Jennifer Linton

Domestikia: An Account of Some Strange Disturbances consists of three short animations, all taking place within an imagined dollhouse and loosely linked together by an overarching narrative. This series employs a traditional stop-motion technique known as ‘cutout animation’, one of the earliest forms of stop-motion that uses flat characters and backgrounds cut from paper. The technical limitations of paper puppets, with their characteristically stiff and unnatural movements, make cutout animation particularly well suited to animations whose themes involve fantasy, surrealism, dreams, and that which otherwise lacks realism. Rather than being a hindrance, the anti-realism of the paper cutout serves to amplify the strangeness of the events that happen throughout. My work investigates the Domestic Gothic, a type of narrative that incorporates the fantastic, grotesque and uncanny within the domestic space. The vast majority of the animation featured in my videos was done “under camera”, with only a small amount of digital effects added in post-production.

Jennifer Linton is a Canadian interdisciplinary visual artist working with animation, drawing, installation and printmaking. She holds an MFA in Visual Arts from York University, and a BA in Art & Art History from the University of Toronto. She teaches in the Faculty of Design at OCAD University and in the Visual & Creative Arts program at Sheridan College. Linton has exhibited her art internationally, with shows in the U.S., Italy, and across Canada. Recent screenings of her work include the Female Eye Film Festival in Toronto, and the Boston Underground Film Festival.

Jennifer Linton has received financial support from the Toronto Arts Council and the Ontario Arts Council for her project Domestikia, Chapter 3, La Petite Mort.

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