Day 5 > Jordan Bruner

The Leaf Woman & the Centaur – TRT 3:11 mins

Film by Jordan Bruner
Sound by Future Perfect

The Leaf Woman and the Centaur is a stop-motion animated film that looks to reconcile a set of creation myths and re- establish the act of experiencing the story as their central component. In the same way Paradise Lost articulated the felix culpa (beneficial fall of man) within the Biblical beginnings, or Dante’s Inferno explored our ethical and spiritual scaffolding, The Leaf Woman and the Centaur will use the same basic tropes present in every creation myth to emphasize the value of an ancient experience that died with the cold logic of words.

This is the first episode.

Jordan Bruner is a Brooklyn based director and artist. Mythology, travel, and surprising narratives make Jordan’s work unique, while her illustration style gives her commercials, music videos, and short films a strong sense of voice. Jordan has worked with clients including Linda McCartney Foods, Friskies, and Etsy, and collaborated with bands ranging from the Mountain Goats to Paramore. She has shown her short films in festivals all around the world and in 2013 she was named an ADC Young Gun. In amongst creating 2D and Stop Frame animations, Jordan finds time to paint, collect hologram paintings, and play the stylophone.

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