Day 4 > Nacho Recio

Shadows of a Radio in the East – TRT 1:00

‘Shadows of a Radio in the East’, grabado con un teléfono móvil, se presenta como una experimentación audiovisual en el marco de un Berlín aún ensombrecido por un denso e incierto pasado.

‘Shadows of a Radio in the East’, recorded with a mobile phone, is presented as an audiovisual experimentation in the context of a Berlin still overshadowed by a dense and uncertain past.

NACHO RECIO BioFilmography as a Director : Telecommunications Engineer (Sound and Image) and Multidisciplinary Artist. After directing a documentary in Hollywood about John Frusciante’s life (ex Red Hot Chili Peppers) he began to work making videos for music bands like Chambao (‘lo mejor pa tí’,2013). He has also directed Tv series like ‘Fausto’ (2011) in super 16mm or Films like ‘N/949’ (2013). His Videoart has been in museums like CAC Málaga or ERARTA Saint Petersburg (‘morphogénesis’,2014), winning prices in International Experimental Cinema Festivals like PROTESTA 2016 (ʻpreferentesʼ, 2016, FIRST PRIZE) or BIDEODROMO 2015 (‘broken mirrors’, 2014, SECOND PRIZE) or in Important and independent Cinema Festivals like ESMoA VIDEOART Film Fest California 17, Film Sozialak CINE INVISIBLE Bilbao 17, URBAN Film Fest Tehran 17, Miami New Media Festival 17, AIAPI Videoart in Loop UNESCO Italia 17, THIRD CULTURE Film Fest Hong Kong 16, EXILE Film Festival Malmö 2016, Experimental Superstars Serbia 16, Festival de Cine de Málaga 15, etc.

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